January 15, 2024

Awilco Drilling Plc: Keppel to apply for permission to appeal the second arbitration case

Further to the stock exchange release of 23 November 2023 from Awilco Drilling PLC (“Awilco Drilling”) regarding the ruling of the arbitration tribunal in favour of Awilco Rig 2 Pte. Ltd. (“AR2”), the Company has today been advised that Keppel FELS Limited (“KFELS”) have lodged an application for leave to appeal the award of the tribunal with the High Court. We will revert once the High Court has made a decision as regards the application for leave to appeal.

Aberdeen, 15 January 2024

For further information please contact:
Eric Jacobs, CEO of Awilco Drilling PLC
Phone: +47 9529 2271

Cathrine Haavind, Investor Relations of Awilco Drilling PLC
Phone: +47 9342 8464

This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.



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