Battleground (Day1) Register Now for the 2023 ExxonMobil Baytown Area United Way Golf Tournament October 6, 2023 – Deer Park
This Event Reminder is Sponsored by:

All proceeds benefit the United Way of Greater Baytown Area and Chambers County.
This year, splitting the event across two venues and two dates to better accommodate everyone’s schedule.
Friday October 6th, 2023
Battleground Golf Course 1600 Georgia Ave |
Monday October 16th, 2023
Wildcat Golf Club 12000 Almeda Road |
Event Times
Registration Open: 6:45 AM; Breakfast provided at registration
Event Start: 8 AM
Tournament will be 4-person scramble format.
Lunch: Immediately following completion of round
Jacob.a.spiegel@exxonmobil.com or kelli.a.rollo@exxonmobil.com
Please be aware of which course you are registering for.
To register more than one individual at a time, change the quantity in your cart
If you do not register with a team, we will place you with other players
If you want to play with specific players, please note the team name in the checkout section
Format will be 4-person scramble
Breakfast and lunch provided
Mulligans and specialty holes (Hole-in-One, Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin) available for purchase at the event!
Are you looking to play twice or did you miss this date? No worries, because the Day 2 ExxonMobil United Way Gold Tournament will be held at Wildcat Golf Club on October 16, 2023. More info and registration can be found here:

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