Register Now for the 17th Annual Dow United Way of Brazoria County Golf Tournament May 3, 2024 – Lake Jackson
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The United Way Golf Classic serves as a key fundraising event for United Way of Brazoria County’s mission by fostering community engagement and raising crucial funds. The tournament serves as a rallying point for individuals, local businesses, and organizations to come together and demonstrate their unwavering support for Brazoria County residents. Through sponsorships, donations, and participant fees, the UWBC (United Way of Brazoria County) Golf Classic generates significant funds for the United Way of Brazoria County’s Community Impact Fund. This fund plays a pivotal role in supporting a range of United Way programs and initiatives throughout Brazoria County.
The tournament provides a unique platform for raising awareness about United Way’s mission and its impactful work in Brazoria County. This heightened awareness not only fosters a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the community but also inspires more people to become involved and support United Way’s efforts beyond the golf tournament itself.

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