Register Now for the SMRP Houston Lunch and Learn A Discussion on Probability of Failure as Used in Maintenance and Reliability Decisions Aril 18, 2024 – Pasadena

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When viewed in the context of Reliability, Probability Of Failure (PF) may be the most important (and least understood) variable to consider. As the consequence of a failure is largely a fixed value for most assets, the Probability variable is the only one that can materially affect the outcome of an evaluation – and the costs of misunderstanding that probability can be enormous. This presentation will explore the tools available in today’s API 579 Fitness For Service standard, and how those tools can help you refine your understanding of failure probability – and deploy your maintenance program a bit more proactively.

About the Speaker: Scott Bouse joined WJE in 2018 with diverse experience in finite element, fracture mechanic failure, and fitness for service analyses, as well as instrumentation and monitoring in laboratory and field applications. Mr. Bouse is highly proficient in API 579 (Fitness for Service), including Level 3 analysis, Calculations per ASME B31, ASME VIII (Div. 1,2), TEMA, PCC-1, PCC-2, API 530 (Heater Tubes), API 620 (Low-Pressure Tanks), and API 650 (Atmospheric Tanks). In the laboratory and in the field, he has applied high-temperature strain gages, standard resistive-foil gages, thermocouples, and other sensors to gather data needed to both feed analysis inputs and validate results.

Prior to joining WJE, Mr. Bouse spent ten years at Stress Engineering Services, where he performed detailed engineering calculations on a wide variety of equipment types, including vessel-to-structure interactions and damage assessments. He has authored and presented papers and presentations on assessment and analysis topics to the refining and petrochemical industries.


Practitioners from 18 different companies created the Society for Maintenance & Reliability ‎Professionals (SMRP) in 1992 to actively promote maintenance and reliability within their field ‎and to the public. Following the successful launch of the society, the inaugural SMRP Annual ‎Conference took place in 1993 in Nashville, Tennessee. The event brought together ‎practitioners to network, exchange ideas and learn about the latest tools and technologies.

Less than a decade later, members developed the Certified Maintenance & Reliability ‎Professional (CMRP) certification to serve as a benchmark for maintenance and reliability best ‎practices. The first CMRP exam was administered at the annual conference in Cleveland, Ohio, ‎in 2000, laying the preliminary groundwork for a recognized certification program. The CMRP ‎has since been accredited by the ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB).‎

Nearly 30 years after its formation, SMRP’s reach has expanded to over 60 countries across six ‎continents. Membership has grown to over 7,000 individuals, and there are more than 5,000 ‎Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (CMRP), Certified Maintenance & Reliability ‎Technicians (CMRT) and Certified Asset Management Assessors (CAMA) practitioners ‎worldwide. ‎

As the premier provider of educational opportunities, networking events and resources for ‎maintenance, reliability, and physical asset management professionals, SMRP is committed to ‎conducting business with a member focus. SMRP develops and implements a multi-year ‎strategic plan directly aligned with the organization’s mission, vision, and values.