Texas Louisiana Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Seminar & Industry Trade Show June 3-6, 2024 – Galveston by Texas Chemical Council, ACIT, LCA, LCiA
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The EHS (Environmental, Health & Safety) Seminar has been held for over 30 years on location in Galveston, Texas. This is the largest safety event in the nation that focuses exclusively on the petrochemical industry. Our seminar is uniquely one of the few of its kind that focuses on industry personnel. Our attendees are made up of owner companies, suppliers, operators, safety professionals and environmental engineers. The Seminar is organized by the Texas Chemical Council, Association of Chemical Industry of Texas and in collaboration with the Louisiana Chemical Association and the Louisiana Chemical Industry Alliance.
To present an annual Environmental, Health and Safety seminar that provides knowledge to foster personal growth of the attendees and the performance of their organizations, while enhancing the image of the chemical industry.

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