Giving Back : Purpose Led Business Networking at Allstream Executive Meetups – $1,000 Donation to 1st Gen Student

August 19, 2024

Thank you to Aecon Industrial Construction in partnering with Allstream for our “IMPACT” Program.

2024 Oil and Gas Global Industry News and Network of Events Allstream Insiders

We partnered with an industry leader Aecon Industrial Construction for our Initiative.

We brought 32 Industry Leaders together in Upstream, Midstream, Downstream & Renewables to Morton’s Steakhouse for a night of great discussions, encouragement & lastly a donation to a 1st Generation Student studying Supply Chain at UofH.
All was FREE to join for:
3 Students
4 In Transition
25 Industry Execs

Congrats to Ileana Marroquin, 1st Generation Student, Supply Chain major on being selected to receive our $1000 check from Allstream/Aecon to help with your studies.

Our mission at Allstream is summed up in 2 words:
👉Impact – Purpose led Business
👉Amplify – Distribute “Positive” News

Please join me in celebrating the 1st Generation Students like Ileana Marroquin.

Friend Request her and welcome her to the industry.

And please give Aecon Industrial Construction a follow click logo below:

2024 Oil and Gas Global Industry News and Network of Events Allstream Insiders

Special Thanks to our hosts:
Danny Salinas
Estefany Ariza
Efrain Garcia

Ready to get involved? Reach out to Efrain or Estefany to find out how at

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