Company Announcement 7/2023

December 28, 2023

Company Announcement 7/2023

Nordic Shipholding A/S in liquidation

Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S approves request to delist

28 December 2023.

Nordic Shipholding A/S in liquidation

Company announcement no. 7/2023

At the extraordinary general meeting on 28 December 2023 of Nordic Shipholding A/S in liquidation (the “Company”), it was approved, that the Company should be dissolved, and that the liquidator would request Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S to delist the Company. See company announcement 6/2023.

Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S has today accepted this request. Thus, the last day of trading in the Company’s shares is today.

For further information, please contact:
Louise Celia Korpela, liquidator, Nordic Shipholding A/S in liquidation, +45 39 29 10 00



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