Register Today Houston Coating Society Golf Tournament 11/8
This Event Reminder is Sponsored by:
Monday, November 8th, 2021 12:30 PM SHOTGUN START |
WILDCAT Golf Club Golf Tournament Please choose from below:
____$200 single player
____$650 per team (Early bird before Oct. 18 th)
____$750 per team (after Oct. 18 th)
____$5 Mulligan’s (Unlimited) Sponsorships:
____$150 Hole Sponsor (Tee Sign)
____$250 Beverage Cart (Cart Sign)
____$500 On-Course Tent Sponsor
____Door prize donation
PAYMENT IS DUE BY 10-29-21 TO ENSURE SPOT $ Total Players Name Company Phone# For other information please contact Steve Ubernosky @ 713-384-9180 or subernosky@rentdh.com or Brian Battle @ 713-299-1241 or bbattle@rentdh.com. To submit entry: bbattle@rentdh.com or subernosky@rentdh.com Dehumidification Technologies, LP Visit http://coatingsocietyofhouston.org/ ATTN: Steve Ubernosky OR to pay by credit card before the 6609 Ave U, Houston, TX 77011 tournament
Follow www.DownstreamCalendar.com for upcoming industry events. Downstream Calendar was created to help synchronize the industry by providing a free lookahead for key industry events across the country. We focus on non-profit support, community, and industry specific trade shows and downstream conferences for refining plants, chemical plants, fertilizer plants, terminals, storage facilities, LNG plants, syngas, and bio mass. Follow MidstreamCalendar.com for Midstream Events.
If you are wondering when the Houston Coating Society 2023 Golf Tournament will be, then look no further. This year The Coating Society of Houston will host their charity golf tournament on November 13, 2023 at Wildcat Golf Club. Click the link below to find out more.
Register Now for The Houston Coating Society Golf Tournament November 13, 2023 – Houston

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